So far I am really enjoying my internship! I am learning a lot and everyone I work with is incredibly nice and helpful. Last weekend, I got to enjoy seeing the Holocaust Memorial Museum. I had already seen this memorial when I came to DC in 8th grade, but I must say, it did not make as much of an impact on me as it did this past visit. I think this memorial is something that every American, yet every human being should see. This memorial was honest, respectful and enlightening. It unfortunately opened my eyes to kind of hatred that humans can have for one another.
Besides seeing the museum I also walked up and down the Mall with some friends and enjoyed the sites. Then on Saturday evening I went out with some friends.
So far I love living at this place. EVERYONE is so friendly and welcoming and I have already made some really good friends. I am still getting used to waking up at 6:30 in the morning and actually functioning. However this means my bedtime is well 10:00. I am so thankful for this internship and all the friends that I am making here in Washington, God has once again blessed me beyond anything I could ask for. Not to mention blessing me with a wonderfully supportive family, who just sent me a care package today! I was so excited!
Anyway, it is bedtime now. Thanks for all the love and support!
All my love,
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Home Sweet Washington!
The Washington Monument
So today was another successful trip around Washington DC. I love where I am living and I love all the girls here, everyone is so kind and genuine. Last night I met some girls at dinner and we all headed to the capitol to listen to the DC symphony play on the lawn however, it started to rain. So instead of sitting on the soaking wet ground in a downpour we decided to head of to Union Station for some grub. Union station is huge, and I don't think huge correctly defines it. It includes a metro station, and is an Amtrak station as well as a mall, equipped with restaurants and a movie theater. I must say I have never seen anything quite like it. Last night we ate at Johnny Rockets. It has been so nice getting to meet so many people who are all working on the Hill like me.
Today was another adventure with the same ladies. We decided we would do some last minute shopping on Labor Day before the work week started. We travel on the metro again. (Which I am beginning to love and wish Shelbyville would invest in one. At least one that would travel from my parents house to Shelbyville and then to Louisville, oh that would be nice!) We went "downtown" and did some shopping and ate lunch at a cute sandwich place called Potbelly's. It was delish! I actually found the perfect bag/purse to accompany me to the office everyday, it is large enough to fit my lunch, umbrella and my laptop. I was quite impressed. Then after 5 hours of walking downtown we decided it was time to head back!
So far Washington has been a fun adventure and I can't wait to start my new internship tomorrow. I am extremely nervous and hope that I do well! :) Fortunately the building is super close to where I live. Wish me luck and send prayers for tomorrow because I will surely be needing them!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
I made it
After an long draining 10 hour drive to Washington DC. My dad and I arrived and my new home. So far I really like where I am living and doesn't seem any different than the sorority house. I am all moved in to my room. (which is rather tiny). Tomorrow I have the day to roam around an explore and I can't wait to learn more about the city I am living in. I have no definite plans yet, but I am excited to see the sights. Also I might be meeting a friend from college who is going to show me around DC and teach me how to ride the metro, because I feel like a total looser since I have only had one trip on a subway and it was in NYC with a large group of people. I can't wait to pick his brain and learn some helpful hints about the city. I am beyond excited to explore tomorrow. I do however already miss my wonderful family, and my bestfriend, Christopher. We are supposed to skype for the first time tonight, and I am really excited. (gee I sound like such a dork, but the idea of getting to see my bf who is 700 miles away sounds just perfect!). I will be skyping him on the wonderful new laptop that my grandmother bought me! (Thank you grandma!) It is a mini laptop and is perfect for this city, and this tiny room. I have never owned a laptop before so this is exciting. Tomorrow I will have some more free time on my hands, so I will update more about where I am living and give you a peek at my new room. I hope everyone is well.
all my love,
all my love,
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Yes, Capitol Hill is where you will find me from September thru December. I can't believe that it actually happened, I got the internship! I am beyond excited, and today I went out and bought the biography of Senator Mitch McConnell. I can not wait to intern for his office. The phone call came on Monday morning, and they extend the offer to me and I quickly accepted. I completely give all the credit to my wonderful Heavenly Father. There was a reason that I hated the job that I took in June, it was because I was supposed to have this opportunity. He works in such wonderful ways, and He always provides! I am so thankful for His blessings not just this blessing but the blessings He gives me everyday! I am getting ready to embark on such a wonderful experience and I have the support on my amazing boyfriend Chris and my family.
Priorities, I need to MAKE MONEY! This wonderful serving job, and no really it is wonderful because it is the only job that is going to allow me to make enough money to provide for myself in Washington. I need to make some serious cash before I leave so that I don't starve or be evicted! I am surely going to miss my loved ones while I am gone, but I am hoping that they will come for a few visits! I also really need to get a new computer before I head up there. Also not to mention and professional wardrobe. I think I will be working everyday until I leave!
Well thats all for now. Just remember how amazing the Lord is and do not forget to count your blessings we all have so many!
all my love,
Priorities, I need to MAKE MONEY! This wonderful serving job, and no really it is wonderful because it is the only job that is going to allow me to make enough money to provide for myself in Washington. I need to make some serious cash before I leave so that I don't starve or be evicted! I am surely going to miss my loved ones while I am gone, but I am hoping that they will come for a few visits! I also really need to get a new computer before I head up there. Also not to mention and professional wardrobe. I think I will be working everyday until I leave!
Well thats all for now. Just remember how amazing the Lord is and do not forget to count your blessings we all have so many!
all my love,
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Well, so quite a bit has happened this past week, first my application for the internship arrived at its destination, and now all I have to do is wait, this is the WORST part! On Thursday I started serving at a steak restaurant in my hometown, just to make some money while I wait to hear about this internship and wait to find a job. Today, is my first day off since starting last week. So far the job is fun, and the money is good, so these are all pluses! So a few first things on my list to do as I make some money are: 1. new mini laptop computer 2. getting my kitties de-clawed 3. finally getting some new clothes. Unfortunately, one of the problems with not having any type of job is that I can't afford to buy clothes :( good thing I have a uniform to wear to work! Today I am spending the day doing a little bit of shopping, I have to get Chris' brother and soon to be sister-in-law a wedding shower present. As usual guys typically don't like to be apart of this, so I get to go by myself, however he will be receiving lots of phone calls from me asking questions!
Minor mishap today, so I arrived at Chris' apartment, and I noticed how dirty the comforter was, so I decided I would wash it. On the tag it said it was ok to wash it in the washer, however I am pretty sure I caused an overflow. I had the water running while I was putting the comforter in the washer and I think I might have caused some water to spill over and get the floor and carpet all wet. So I had to call maintenance, and they fixed the problem and now I am just waiting for the my load in the washer to finish.
Fourth of July was fun for my family, I was at work though so I didn't get to enjoy the festivities. But my mother said there was a huge turnout and everyone loved the fireworks and my dad's new exciting BBQ sauce! It was a bummer I couldn't attend because my parents always have a fun celebration at our house every fourth!
Well, I think the load is finished, so it is time for me to put it in the dryer, and head out and run errands! yay! Then I have to come home to clean the apartment, YES! (j.k)
I hope everyone is having a great week this week, I know this one has been a lot better than my last few!
all my love,
Minor mishap today, so I arrived at Chris' apartment, and I noticed how dirty the comforter was, so I decided I would wash it. On the tag it said it was ok to wash it in the washer, however I am pretty sure I caused an overflow. I had the water running while I was putting the comforter in the washer and I think I might have caused some water to spill over and get the floor and carpet all wet. So I had to call maintenance, and they fixed the problem and now I am just waiting for the my load in the washer to finish.
Fourth of July was fun for my family, I was at work though so I didn't get to enjoy the festivities. But my mother said there was a huge turnout and everyone loved the fireworks and my dad's new exciting BBQ sauce! It was a bummer I couldn't attend because my parents always have a fun celebration at our house every fourth!
Well, I think the load is finished, so it is time for me to put it in the dryer, and head out and run errands! yay! Then I have to come home to clean the apartment, YES! (j.k)
I hope everyone is having a great week this week, I know this one has been a lot better than my last few!
all my love,
Monday, June 29, 2009
So I'm posting from my phone because my parents have dial up and of takes forever to load.
This weekend was fun I got to spend it in downtown Louisville and watch Christopher play 3 on 3 basketball, unfortunately they didn't go very far in the tournament but it was a nice couple days in the sun!
Well tomorrow I get to send out my application form for the DC internship for Senator McConnell. I am so nervous. but I will just be saying prayers for God's will in the situation.
I also got a job serving at a steak restuarant in Shelbyville and I start in thursday! It will be a good job for now and hopefully I will make some money.
Tomorrow I will be babysitting my nephews! So I'm thinking that I need some sleep to chase around a 4 yr old and a 1 yr old!
Good night all! I hope you had a great weekend!
All my love,
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
computer illiterate
So I am having a few problems getting my pictures to show up, and I can't figure out when I copy and paste things they don't show up. Or when I import a picture it only shows up at the top and not in between the text, if anyone has a few suggestions pertaining to my dilemma it would be greatly appreciated!
with love from the computer dummy :)
with love from the computer dummy :)
sunny side up
first off I am sorry for not checking what I wrote yesterday, so many typing errors, not cool. Sorry. :(
So after a terribly dramatic day yesterday, I woke up feeling a little better. As soon as I brought myself out of bed I quickly reached for that devotional trust and I began to read the introduction. In a nut shell it began to explain why women fear and it all boiled down to the fact that we don't believe He is good, and we don't open up completely to Him. After reading this and really feeling like I understood some of the reasons I was having a difficult time with trusting Him, I began to pray, and I prayed for everything, for change, for comfort, peace, knowledge, and most of all trust, trusting that He will provide for me just as long as I put my earthy concerns aside.

Then after some more job searching, I received a call form the Hotel that I had applied to, and I have an interview tomorrow! On another positive note, I received information about an internship in DC, that I would love to have, it seems like such an amazing opportunity and will hopefully give me some real life experience as the job market begins to pick up again. The internship is pretty competitive and I only have a week to get references together and answer questions, and submit a writing sample. Even though if I got an opportunity such as this it would take me away from my family, and Chris, I feel like it is a once in a lifetime opportunity and that I should take advantage of it and at least apply. If the answer is no, then I know that, that was not what God had planned for , but if it is a yes then I know that he will make something amazing happen with it. So for the next few days I will be like a busy college student again, writing, editing and polishing this application so that it is perfect to send in. Wish me luck and say a prayer for God's will.
I also just have to say what a wonderful father I have, my dad is great. I don't know how many times I have called him over these past few weeks, either asking for advice, crying, or simply venting. He is so wonderful because he is so invested in my future and my career and he only wants the best for me, and for me to simply be happy. I can not even begin to describe the important role he has played in my life. He is truly a wonderful gift from God, and God certainly knew what he was doing when he made him my father.
On a side note, I heard ice cream bells outside the apartment, and took off running, only to make it to the front door with my wallet realizing I had no cash. I felt like such a kid, but I am heading to the bank and will be prepared should he come by tomorrow. There is just something about summer time and hearing the bells of the ice cream man! Now after all this ice cream talk I think I am due for some!
hope everyone's Tuesday has been a blessing! Mine sure has. :)
all my love,
So after a terribly dramatic day yesterday, I woke up feeling a little better. As soon as I brought myself out of bed I quickly reached for that devotional trust and I began to read the introduction. In a nut shell it began to explain why women fear and it all boiled down to the fact that we don't believe He is good, and we don't open up completely to Him. After reading this and really feeling like I understood some of the reasons I was having a difficult time with trusting Him, I began to pray, and I prayed for everything, for change, for comfort, peace, knowledge, and most of all trust, trusting that He will provide for me just as long as I put my earthy concerns aside.

Then after some more job searching, I received a call form the Hotel that I had applied to, and I have an interview tomorrow! On another positive note, I received information about an internship in DC, that I would love to have, it seems like such an amazing opportunity and will hopefully give me some real life experience as the job market begins to pick up again. The internship is pretty competitive and I only have a week to get references together and answer questions, and submit a writing sample. Even though if I got an opportunity such as this it would take me away from my family, and Chris, I feel like it is a once in a lifetime opportunity and that I should take advantage of it and at least apply. If the answer is no, then I know that, that was not what God had planned for , but if it is a yes then I know that he will make something amazing happen with it. So for the next few days I will be like a busy college student again, writing, editing and polishing this application so that it is perfect to send in. Wish me luck and say a prayer for God's will.
I also just have to say what a wonderful father I have, my dad is great. I don't know how many times I have called him over these past few weeks, either asking for advice, crying, or simply venting. He is so wonderful because he is so invested in my future and my career and he only wants the best for me, and for me to simply be happy. I can not even begin to describe the important role he has played in my life. He is truly a wonderful gift from God, and God certainly knew what he was doing when he made him my father.
hope everyone's Tuesday has been a blessing! Mine sure has. :)
all my love,
Monday, June 22, 2009
relentless warrior
So, I have realized that it might be far more likely that I win the lottery than actually finding a job. The economy has unfortunately begun to greatly effect me. After starting a job last week, realizing that it was the complete opposite of what I wanted to be doing, a quickly ended my employment. Then Friday was spent with much much job search. Then I had to return home to my parents house, which has dial-up :( so no job searching could take place. I then returned back to Evansville on Sunday in high hopes Monday would be productive. I have searched through the classifieds,, career builder, craiglist, yahoo.... etc. and NOTHING is available. I have even gone as far as calling every advertising agency in Evansville to see if they were hiring. So today, I came up empty handed. I am now just searching for some receptionist positions just to pass the time until something becomes available. However those jobs are few and far between. After a minor meltdown today, balling tears and all. I began to feel a little ridiculous. I guess it just frustrates me that since we were children, parents, teachers, and leaders have all harped about how important a college educations is and that you will have a greater earning potential, become more marketable, and have an easier time finding jobs. Well today it might as well never mattered that I went to college. I am now just trying to find something to pay the bills, clerical, retail, it doesn't matter. Even a nice internship would be great, but as I discovered most internships are geared toward undergraduates, well, I am now a graduate.
After some tears I decided to fill out and application and turn in a resume and a hotel for a front desk clerck. After that I drove past a cute little Christian book store and decided to pop in. I began to take a look around and made a bee line to the devotional section like it was some sort of self-help aisle. In a way it was a self help area, I began to look for a devotional that would help during this time of transition and confusion. A small tan paperback book caught my attention, the title of the devotional was entiled, trust, how fitting I thought. So I quickly opened up the book and began to browse down the index. A there it was, and entire index devoted to trust, and fear, why women fear, and how to deal with fear. I quickly took the book in my possesion. I just new God had led me to this book. I think that is the biggest thing I am afraid of, FEAR. I have so many fears, failure, unhappiness, discontentment.... and the list goes on, however the last thing I thought to think about was that if I put my complete and absolute trust in God, he will not allow me to be discontent, unhappy, or a failure. Here I am 7 weeks out of school with no job, things have to being to turn around at some point, and I know that God will not forsake me, I just need to trust in HIM and he will direct my paths. I cannot wait to begin reading this devotional, it is rather short, but I feel that it is coming at a time of need. I need to learn how to give myself completely over to HIM, and if I do everything else will just fall in place because I am not focused on earthly things, but on my heavenly father.
well I am signing off with a grateful attitude because I have roof over my head, food in my belly, and the promise of an eternal life. Why do I have to worry about? Nothing..... I leave that all up to HIM.
all my love,
After some tears I decided to fill out and application and turn in a resume and a hotel for a front desk clerck. After that I drove past a cute little Christian book store and decided to pop in. I began to take a look around and made a bee line to the devotional section like it was some sort of self-help aisle. In a way it was a self help area, I began to look for a devotional that would help during this time of transition and confusion. A small tan paperback book caught my attention, the title of the devotional was entiled, trust, how fitting I thought. So I quickly opened up the book and began to browse down the index. A there it was, and entire index devoted to trust, and fear, why women fear, and how to deal with fear. I quickly took the book in my possesion. I just new God had led me to this book. I think that is the biggest thing I am afraid of, FEAR. I have so many fears, failure, unhappiness, discontentment.... and the list goes on, however the last thing I thought to think about was that if I put my complete and absolute trust in God, he will not allow me to be discontent, unhappy, or a failure. Here I am 7 weeks out of school with no job, things have to being to turn around at some point, and I know that God will not forsake me, I just need to trust in HIM and he will direct my paths. I cannot wait to begin reading this devotional, it is rather short, but I feel that it is coming at a time of need. I need to learn how to give myself completely over to HIM, and if I do everything else will just fall in place because I am not focused on earthly things, but on my heavenly father.
well I am signing off with a grateful attitude because I have roof over my head, food in my belly, and the promise of an eternal life. Why do I have to worry about? Nothing..... I leave that all up to HIM.
all my love,
Sunday, June 21, 2009
forever and a few days later!
Well, let's just say that a few months have passed since I have last posted..... Well of the most important things, I GRADUATED! I can't believe it, it finally came, and is now over. Well even with some relentless prayers the job situation has not gone very well. Mainly I am making the move to Evansville, pending my employment. So far after graduation I had a job in Evansville, but I quite, almost immediately, all I can say is that this job was most certainly NOT made for me. I was in tears after the fourth day, and I knew that if I didn't like the job then, I would not like it a few weeks. So now I am searching for a job again. However I don't have a permanent residence in Evansville, my apartment is holding out for me until the end of the month. I really want to move here, I just hope I can find a position soon! Since the economy is so bad, there really isn't anything available in my field right now. My goals were to either work for a non-profit organization or to work at an advertising agency. However, none of those are available. So now I am looking for anything that will pay the bills until the economy gets better and I can find and internship or full time employment. I am continuing to pray and hope for the best, knowing that God is going to lead me in the right direction. It is so funny, I can see myself doing almost anything, as long as I am helping someone else in someway. I just really want to find a career where I am helping others. I am not worried about money too much just as long as I can make ends meet, I am learning now that money doesn't make you happy, it is the loved ones in your life who really make you happy.
I have to say I am so thankful for my family these past few months, they have been unbelievable, and oh so supportive. Not only have they been supportive financially, but emotionally as well. I couldn't have asked for a more caring family, now all I want to do is make them proud by finding a job that I love. My father has been wonderful, he has given me such great advice, and I can't tell you how much it means to me to have a father who is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure I am in a career where I am happy. I can't wait to make him proud. I have enjoyed getting to spend so much time with my mom, she is a wonderful Christian woman who lives her life everyday for others. She has been one the most sacrificial people in my life. She has always made sure that I am taken care of along with my father. We got to do a lot of fun things so far this summer, go shopping, museums, lunch, and just cruising around in her new convertible. It has been a blessed summer so far with my wonderful family and friends.
So tomorrow now begins another job search, but I am hopeful that this time I will find something that I will love. I am just trusting in God that he leads me to where he wants me to be, even if it isn't in Evansville (though I really hope it is). Giving everything over to HIM has been one tough daily struggle, but I am continuing to trust and hope that he leads me to do his will.
these pictures are some fun times at the end of my senior year. (and I already miss college)
all my love,
I have to say I am so thankful for my family these past few months, they have been unbelievable, and oh so supportive. Not only have they been supportive financially, but emotionally as well. I couldn't have asked for a more caring family, now all I want to do is make them proud by finding a job that I love. My father has been wonderful, he has given me such great advice, and I can't tell you how much it means to me to have a father who is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure I am in a career where I am happy. I can't wait to make him proud. I have enjoyed getting to spend so much time with my mom, she is a wonderful Christian woman who lives her life everyday for others. She has been one the most sacrificial people in my life. She has always made sure that I am taken care of along with my father. We got to do a lot of fun things so far this summer, go shopping, museums, lunch, and just cruising around in her new convertible. It has been a blessed summer so far with my wonderful family and friends.
So tomorrow now begins another job search, but I am hopeful that this time I will find something that I will love. I am just trusting in God that he leads me to where he wants me to be, even if it isn't in Evansville (though I really hope it is). Giving everything over to HIM has been one tough daily struggle, but I am continuing to trust and hope that he leads me to do his will.
these pictures are some fun times at the end of my senior year. (and I already miss college)
all my love,

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
This past weekend was Greek Sing, and DG won! We rocked out our theme DG Disturbia, and I know for us seniors it was the best present we could have ever asked for.... it was so fun and raised money for a great cause. Here is the link the to youtube video and here are some of my favorite pictures from that night!
these are pictures from the event, and then afterwards at Two Keys to celebrate!
these are pictures from the event, and then afterwards at Two Keys to celebrate!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
So it has been a busy busy week, and it is only half way over. I just finished re-writing a french composition, and for the first time in a long time, I really feel that this composition is completely grammatically correct, but my teacher gets the final verdict. The French language and I are in a love/hate relationship. I love it, it hates me. I have been studying French for the past 7 years, and yet sometimes I feel like I can't remember a thing. I would love to use French in the workplace, that would be ideal. However, I don't think I will ever feel confident enough to use it. I wish I could just get over my fear. I am learning a lot in the advanced composition class that I am taking, things like prepositions are making a lot more sense now. Even after I graduate I plan to continue my studies in French some how, whether it is by reading French novels or watching movies, I will continue to build my vocabulary.
Speaking of French things.....
Last week I got to meet with the founder of France For Christ, Paul Harrigan. Paul has been living in France for the past 20 years, and just a few years ago he noticed the decline in the Christian faith in France. (only 4% of French people attend church regularly) Paul quit his job and began the organization France For Christ. This mission is set up in three phases. The first phase it to get a Christian radio station set up in Paris on FM. The radio station is set to launch in September, however there is still a lot of funding to be raised. Currently there is an internet radio that Paul has already establised, called Radio Gospel, you can listen to the music at This station plays both French and English Christian songs. I was listening to it the other day, and while I can't understand everything some of the French songs were saying I could definitely appreciate the music. I encourage everyone to listen to this station and support France For Christ. After meeting Paul ( at a Cracker Barrel in Lexington) I was so excited and ready for the challenge. Paul is a remakable man who left everything he had worked so hard for to do the Lord's work. I just pray that God can use me like he has used Paul. So many lives are going to be changed, and possibly a whole country, just because of one man. Paul and I talked for a couple of hours and it was so great to hear about all the plans he has for this mission, but first and foremost he wants me and everyone to PRAY! Honestly he doesn't even seem concerned that they still have over half of the 250,000 dollars to raise to get there, because he knows the Lord will provide it if his people pray. So I plan to spend everyday praying for France For Christ, and I encourage everyone else to also. My life has been changed by Christ and I want to people of France to know and feel that change as well. I love the French language and for once I feel like I have a purpose in it. I am so thankful that God led me to meet Paul.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Valentine's Day
So this Valentines Day was actually one of the best Valentine Days I've had and it was because of the present, my thoughtful boyfriend gave me. The present wasn't just for me, but it was for us. Chris bought a devotional for him and I to do daily. This present means so much to me and is without a doubt the best Valentine's Day gift I have recieved. The devotional is called The Purpose Driven Life, and is completely appropriate for where Chris and I are in our lives. I am getting ready to graduate and this devotional couldn't have had better timing. It is there to constantly remind me how even though I will be getting a job in a few months, my career is not my purpose, my purpose is to live for God, and to know that I am not an accident. He had already planned out my life precisely even before my parents thought of me. I just really hope that this devotional will bring Chris and I closer as we learn about the plans and the purpose God has for our lives.
So far the book is wonderful and I encourage all to read it who are doubting and unsure I why in the world they are here. God has a plan for you, and great plan if you just let him use you.
Also things are looking good in the job field. I just keep praying God will lead me to right place.
au revoir
So far the book is wonderful and I encourage all to read it who are doubting and unsure I why in the world they are here. God has a plan for you, and great plan if you just let him use you.
Also things are looking good in the job field. I just keep praying God will lead me to right place.
au revoir
Saturday, January 31, 2009
This past week has been interesting enough, considering after 4 years I got to experience my first full snow day in college! I remember walking out of the house and it was really like a winter wonderland! What wasn't so wonderlandish was that it took me 45 minutes to uncover my car from the layers of snow and ice. I can't say that I have seen campus look so pretty. Just another way I remember what a beautiful place God has created for us. This semester has been tough so far, not academically, but life wise. I continue to constantly think about the end of the semester and what it is I will be doing. I want to end up in Louisville, but I look at myself now, and realize all the things that have to change between now and May. I just wish I could wake up one day and have it figured out for me. However I have realized that the best things that I have experienced in my life have come unplanned and as a surprise. I know that is how God works sometimes, and I just need to continue to trust him and know that he is looking out for me.
I think my goal for this coming week is to really focus on being content. I know I am so restless because I am not content. It isn't that I am not appreciative of my life, I just can't seem to find peace within it. I am constantly trying to change and fix things with myself and those who are in my life, but the thing is even if there was a problem, I don't think I have taken enough time to look at my life to let an answer come. I need to focus on being content with my situation and with myself. I feel like sometimes I have lost that peace that I had which resulted from just loving myself and loving the situation in which God has placed my life. I think this week I just need to be still and not try to fix anything or anyone, and just really listen to what it is that God has to say to me. I just need to rest in the knowledge that I am living for something bigger than me, something heavenly.
I am excited about going home to see my family this Saturday for my mothers birthday! I love my mom and she is one of my best friends, who I know has spent many nights on her knees in prayer for my sisters and I. I can only thank God for putting such a wonderful woman in my life, a wonderful example of how a Christian woman should live. I can't wait to celebrate her birthday with her. She is absolutely unbelievable.
This past weekend I found out my cousin was in the hospital because of muscle spasms which had turned into paralysis, it appeared that he may have had a spinal stroke. However thanks to much prayer from family and friends, he and his wife are both at home, and he is slowly gaining his motion back and was able to walk earlier this week. I am so thankful for answered prayers. I will continue to pray for them as he adjusts back into his daily routine, and that this wonderful miracle bring them and our whole family closer to God.
for love, peace and contentment.
I think my goal for this coming week is to really focus on being content. I know I am so restless because I am not content. It isn't that I am not appreciative of my life, I just can't seem to find peace within it. I am constantly trying to change and fix things with myself and those who are in my life, but the thing is even if there was a problem, I don't think I have taken enough time to look at my life to let an answer come. I need to focus on being content with my situation and with myself. I feel like sometimes I have lost that peace that I had which resulted from just loving myself and loving the situation in which God has placed my life. I think this week I just need to be still and not try to fix anything or anyone, and just really listen to what it is that God has to say to me. I just need to rest in the knowledge that I am living for something bigger than me, something heavenly.
I am excited about going home to see my family this Saturday for my mothers birthday! I love my mom and she is one of my best friends, who I know has spent many nights on her knees in prayer for my sisters and I. I can only thank God for putting such a wonderful woman in my life, a wonderful example of how a Christian woman should live. I can't wait to celebrate her birthday with her. She is absolutely unbelievable.
This past weekend I found out my cousin was in the hospital because of muscle spasms which had turned into paralysis, it appeared that he may have had a spinal stroke. However thanks to much prayer from family and friends, he and his wife are both at home, and he is slowly gaining his motion back and was able to walk earlier this week. I am so thankful for answered prayers. I will continue to pray for them as he adjusts back into his daily routine, and that this wonderful miracle bring them and our whole family closer to God.
for love, peace and contentment.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Busy Bee
So, it has been so long since I last posted anything! I have been so busy with school and everything that I haven't had time to think yet, and it is only the beginning of the semester! I am taking 12 hours this semester, and I am really excited about all of my classes. I am also on UK's National Student Advertising Competition Team, we will compete in April nationally against other schools to see who can put together the best advertising campaign. Also another class that I am really excited about is a TEL class, in this class I am going to learn how to write/design software for computer games, I am so excited, I love learning new things about the computer! I am also working about 25 hours a week this semester, so as usual I will have a busy semester!
Church this week was amazing. Southland is doing a series called Explicit Lyrics, and it is based on the book Song of Solomon. It is a six week series and we are halfway through. I can't explain how much I needed to hear the message that Southland is teaching now. The series is all about relationships, dating, marriage, and sex. It has been so wonderful to hear, and has reconfirmed the fact that God has a plan of what he wants for my life, and that I need to be still and listen, because I know that his plan is the right plan for me. The message has made me so excited for marriage and all that things that I will get to share with my future husband. I seriously can't wait for Sunday to come!
Also I am starting to send my resume out so please pray that it is received well and that God is going to lead me to where I need to be. I keep finding myself getting more and more nervous about what I am going to do for the rest of my life, and for some reason I have had such a hard time just giving that over to God and letting him take care of everything. I can be a control freak, and generally it is over things that I really can't control. So lately I have been praying for patience and understanding, and to realize that God will always take care of me no matter what.
Church this week was amazing. Southland is doing a series called Explicit Lyrics, and it is based on the book Song of Solomon. It is a six week series and we are halfway through. I can't explain how much I needed to hear the message that Southland is teaching now. The series is all about relationships, dating, marriage, and sex. It has been so wonderful to hear, and has reconfirmed the fact that God has a plan of what he wants for my life, and that I need to be still and listen, because I know that his plan is the right plan for me. The message has made me so excited for marriage and all that things that I will get to share with my future husband. I seriously can't wait for Sunday to come!
Also I am starting to send my resume out so please pray that it is received well and that God is going to lead me to where I need to be. I keep finding myself getting more and more nervous about what I am going to do for the rest of my life, and for some reason I have had such a hard time just giving that over to God and letting him take care of everything. I can be a control freak, and generally it is over things that I really can't control. So lately I have been praying for patience and understanding, and to realize that God will always take care of me no matter what.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
first day of my last semester!!

I can't believe that tomorrow I start the first day of my last semester! The time has gone by so fast! However, some things have changed, I remember my freshman year I think I spent 200 dollars more on books than I do now, what a waste of money, now I have resorted to ordering many online which is so much cheaper! I only have 12 hours this semester which is awesome, the least I have taken ever. I love the fact that I have no classes on Fridays and that my first class on Tuesday/ Thursday starts at 11! I just think back on this time here at school and I am so thankful to my family who has kept supporting me through everything, making me try harder to be a better student and a better person. I am also so thankful for wonderful friends who have made my college experience so amazing! I know that I am going to look back on these four years and smile at all the memories I have made while here.
Also this semester I will begin job hunting, my goal is to have a job lined up before I graduate in May, hopefully in Louisville. Right now I am making adjustments to my resume, and brushing up on my interview skills, hoping that I will be prepared enough for that first interview!
I hope that God continues to prepare me for the workworld as I will be moving into that stage of my life in just a few months. I know he will lead me to the right job, and just need to continue to trust in him a know that whatever happens it is his will.
Seeing as it is 12:30 and I have class tomorrow, I should probably get some much needed sleep.
I added some pictures from my freshman year! One with my sister, my roomies from freshman year and some of my friends from home!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Morning workouts and girls night out!

So tonight I am going to go the movies with my best friend from high school , Dez. We both decided to ditch the boyfriends and have a girls night. We are going to go see Bride Wars, with Kate Hudson and Ann Hathaway. (not that the boys would have wanted to see that anyway!) I am pretty excited to see the movie, and spend sometime with Dez.
Also this semester I took a telecommunications class and I learned how design websites! So, my work, Dance Biz, asked me to design a website for the store! I actually started today, and so far so good. I am however using an older version of Dreamweaver,( the software to design sites) than I . used in class, so it took me a little while to get used to the different software, but after about 30 minutes I was working right away! I am hoping to finish the site soon, and I will put a link here when it is done so that you can check it out!
Before I went to work today I did something that I usually never do, I WORKED OUT! In the past I have never been much of a workout person, but if I did work out I worked out at night. However after I worked out for an hour this morning I had so much extra energy! I felt so much more energized and ready to take on the world. I am thinking that as much as I am not a morning person, that I would love to fit morning workouts into my schedule! I suggest you give it a try too, a great way to start out the new year. Also I didn't take my IPOD with me, and it was just me and my thoughts, which was so relaxing. I was able to workout and talk to God this morning while I was exercising, plus it is so calm in the morning and there are hardly any distractions! I was actually pretty proud of myself that I made it an hour!
I just want to thank you God, for giving my such wonderful friends, and for giving me those moments during the day that remind me that you are here always, and appreciate me for the woman you have made me. Thank you for accepting my just the way I am, and putting it in my heart to become a better woman, a woman of God.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
A Same Kind of Different
Today, while I was reading at work today, I began thinking about what the book I am currently reading has to do with my life. The book is "Same Kind of Different As Me". The book is a true story that revolves around two main characters Denver and Ron. Denver is the product of modern day slavery and eventually a hobo, and Ron is millionaire art dealer. These two characters lives cross when Ron and his wife begin to serve at a homeless shelter. The friendship that these two strike up really makes me wonder if I have ever gone out of my to befriend someone who is not in what I would consider my 'comfort zone'. I am wondering and asking God, if he could use me in such a way. The difference these two make in each others lives is monumental, and I would love for God to use me in such a way.
The life that Denver lived as a man of the streets really reminded me of how blessed I am just having the everyday necessities I take for granted; like a warm shower, a warm coat to wear when it snows, and to always know that no matter what I always have a home to return to. I realize that many homeless end up in their situation because of addictions and so forth, but as I have discovered from this novel, that not all have found themselves in such a situation because of negative choices. For many, this was just the card life dealt them. This book has really made me think of so many things that have plagued our country and how many innocent people who have fallen into the cracks because of poor education. I hope that God continues to help remind me of how blessed I am to have all the things that I do. (At the top is a picture of the book I am reading, I encourage you to pick it up sometime and read it. Not only is it a good story, but a true story at that!)
Also today, Rock my kitty is no longer homeless :) A few days ago he lost his personalized collar somewhere inside the apartment, and luckily after some searching I was able to find it, and he is no longer homeless.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
New to blogging.....
So I am new to blogging, but I thought this would be a fun way for my family and friends to see what is going on in my life, as I finish up my last semester of college and then head off into the real world. Right now I am enjoying my Christmas break and getting to spend lots of time with Christopher and my two kittens Rock and Emma (they are getting so big they are almost 6 months old!) I have finished reading 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper. It is a must read and an easy read as well. Currently I am reading Same Kind of Different As Me. It is a great book so far, and an interesting story at that. I am going to post some pictures of Rock and Emma for you to enjoy.
Emma is the first picture and Rock is the second. They are both so well behaved, so far no accidents! They enjoy playing with each other, kitty treats, and their fishing toy which no longer has any feathers on it! Chris just bought them a kitty play place which they love to spend their lazy days in!
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