Well, let's just say that a few months have passed since I have last posted..... Well of the most important things, I GRADUATED! I can't believe it, it finally came, and is now over. Well even with some relentless prayers the job situation has not gone very well. Mainly I am making the move to Evansville, pending my employment. So far after graduation I had a job in Evansville, but I quite, almost immediately, all I can say is that this job was most certainly NOT made for me. I was in tears after the fourth day, and I knew that if I didn't like the job then, I would not like it a few weeks. So now I am searching for a job again. However I don't have a permanent residence in Evansville, my apartment is holding out for me until the end of the month. I really want to move here, I just hope I can find a position soon! Since the economy is so bad, there really isn't anything available in my field right now. My goals were to either work for a non-profit organization or to work at an advertising agency. However, none of those are available. So now I am looking for anything that will pay the bills until the economy gets better and I can find and internship or full time employment. I am continuing to pray and hope for the best, knowing that God is going to lead me in the right direction. It is so funny, I can see myself doing almost anything, as long as I am helping someone else in someway. I just really want to find a career where I am helping others. I am not worried about money too much just as long as I can make ends meet, I am learning now that money doesn't make you happy, it is the loved ones in your life who really make you happy.
I have to say I am so thankful for my family these past few months, they have been unbelievable, and oh so supportive. Not only have they been supportive financially, but emotionally as well. I couldn't have asked for a more caring family, now all I want to do is make them proud by finding a job that I love. My father has been wonderful, he has given me such great advice, and I can't tell you how much it means to me to have a father who is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure I am in a career where I am happy. I can't wait to make him proud. I have enjoyed getting to spend so much time with my mom, she is a wonderful Christian woman who lives her life everyday for others. She has been one the most sacrificial people in my life. She has always made sure that I am taken care of along with my father. We got to do a lot of fun things so far this summer, go shopping, museums, lunch, and just cruising around in her new convertible. It has been a blessed summer so far with my wonderful family and friends.
So tomorrow now begins another job search, but I am hopeful that this time I will find something that I will love. I am just trusting in God that he leads me to where he wants me to be, even if it isn't in Evansville (though I really hope it is). Giving everything over to HIM has been one tough daily struggle, but I am continuing to trust and hope that he leads me to do his will.
these pictures are some fun times at the end of my senior year. (and I already miss college)
all my love,
You are right, you will be just fine! I have faith in you! :)