So it has been a busy busy week, and it is only half way over. I just finished re-writing a french composition, and for the first time in a long time, I really feel that this composition is completely grammatically correct, but my teacher gets the final verdict. The French language and I are in a love/hate relationship. I love it, it hates me. I have been studying French for the past 7 years, and yet sometimes I feel like I can't remember a thing. I would love to use French in the workplace, that would be ideal. However, I don't think I will ever feel confident enough to use it. I wish I could just get over my fear. I am learning a lot in the advanced composition class that I am taking, things like prepositions are making a lot more sense now. Even after I graduate I plan to continue my studies in French some how, whether it is by reading French novels or watching movies, I will continue to build my vocabulary.
Speaking of French things.....
Last week I got to meet with the founder of France For Christ, Paul Harrigan. Paul has been living in France for the past 20 years, and just a few years ago he noticed the decline in the Christian faith in France. (only 4% of French people attend church regularly) Paul quit his job and began the organization France For Christ. This mission is set up in three phases. The first phase it to get a Christian radio station set up in Paris on FM. The radio station is set to launch in September, however there is still a lot of funding to be raised. Currently there is an internet radio that Paul has already establised, called Radio Gospel, you can listen to the music at This station plays both French and English Christian songs. I was listening to it the other day, and while I can't understand everything some of the French songs were saying I could definitely appreciate the music. I encourage everyone to listen to this station and support France For Christ. After meeting Paul ( at a Cracker Barrel in Lexington) I was so excited and ready for the challenge. Paul is a remakable man who left everything he had worked so hard for to do the Lord's work. I just pray that God can use me like he has used Paul. So many lives are going to be changed, and possibly a whole country, just because of one man. Paul and I talked for a couple of hours and it was so great to hear about all the plans he has for this mission, but first and foremost he wants me and everyone to PRAY! Honestly he doesn't even seem concerned that they still have over half of the 250,000 dollars to raise to get there, because he knows the Lord will provide it if his people pray. So I plan to spend everyday praying for France For Christ, and I encourage everyone else to also. My life has been changed by Christ and I want to people of France to know and feel that change as well. I love the French language and for once I feel like I have a purpose in it. I am so thankful that God led me to meet Paul.
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