Today, while I was reading at work today, I began thinking about what the book I am currently reading has to do with my life. The book is "Same Kind of Different As Me". The book is a true story that revolves around two main characters Denver and Ron. Denver is the product of modern day slavery and eventually a hobo, and Ron is millionaire art dealer. These two characters lives cross when Ron and his wife begin to serve at a homeless shelter. The friendship that these two strike up really makes me wonder if I have ever gone out of my to befriend someone who is not in what I would consider my 'comfort zone'. I am wondering and asking God, if he could use me in such a way. The difference these two make in each others lives is monumental, and I would love for God to use me in such a way.
The life that Denver lived as a man of the streets really reminded me of how blessed I am just having the everyday necessities I take for granted; like a warm shower, a warm coat to wear when it snows, and to always know that no matter what I always have a home to return to. I realize that many homeless end up in their situation because of addictions and so forth, but as I have discovered from this novel, that not all have found themselves in such a situation because of negative choices. For many, this was just the card life dealt them. This book has really made me think of so many things that have plagued our country and how many innocent people who have fallen into the cracks because of poor education. I hope that God continues to help remind me of how blessed I am to have all the things that I do. (At the top is a picture of the book I am reading, I encourage you to pick it up sometime and read it. Not only is it a good story, but a true story at that!)
Also today, Rock my kitty is no longer homeless :) A few days ago he lost his personalized collar somewhere inside the apartment, and luckily after some searching I was able to find it, and he is no longer homeless.
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