Monday, June 29, 2009
So I'm posting from my phone because my parents have dial up and of takes forever to load.
This weekend was fun I got to spend it in downtown Louisville and watch Christopher play 3 on 3 basketball, unfortunately they didn't go very far in the tournament but it was a nice couple days in the sun!
Well tomorrow I get to send out my application form for the DC internship for Senator McConnell. I am so nervous. but I will just be saying prayers for God's will in the situation.
I also got a job serving at a steak restuarant in Shelbyville and I start in thursday! It will be a good job for now and hopefully I will make some money.
Tomorrow I will be babysitting my nephews! So I'm thinking that I need some sleep to chase around a 4 yr old and a 1 yr old!
Good night all! I hope you had a great weekend!
All my love,
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
computer illiterate
So I am having a few problems getting my pictures to show up, and I can't figure out when I copy and paste things they don't show up. Or when I import a picture it only shows up at the top and not in between the text, if anyone has a few suggestions pertaining to my dilemma it would be greatly appreciated!
with love from the computer dummy :)
with love from the computer dummy :)
sunny side up
first off I am sorry for not checking what I wrote yesterday, so many typing errors, not cool. Sorry. :(
So after a terribly dramatic day yesterday, I woke up feeling a little better. As soon as I brought myself out of bed I quickly reached for that devotional trust and I began to read the introduction. In a nut shell it began to explain why women fear and it all boiled down to the fact that we don't believe He is good, and we don't open up completely to Him. After reading this and really feeling like I understood some of the reasons I was having a difficult time with trusting Him, I began to pray, and I prayed for everything, for change, for comfort, peace, knowledge, and most of all trust, trusting that He will provide for me just as long as I put my earthy concerns aside.

Then after some more job searching, I received a call form the Hotel that I had applied to, and I have an interview tomorrow! On another positive note, I received information about an internship in DC, that I would love to have, it seems like such an amazing opportunity and will hopefully give me some real life experience as the job market begins to pick up again. The internship is pretty competitive and I only have a week to get references together and answer questions, and submit a writing sample. Even though if I got an opportunity such as this it would take me away from my family, and Chris, I feel like it is a once in a lifetime opportunity and that I should take advantage of it and at least apply. If the answer is no, then I know that, that was not what God had planned for , but if it is a yes then I know that he will make something amazing happen with it. So for the next few days I will be like a busy college student again, writing, editing and polishing this application so that it is perfect to send in. Wish me luck and say a prayer for God's will.
I also just have to say what a wonderful father I have, my dad is great. I don't know how many times I have called him over these past few weeks, either asking for advice, crying, or simply venting. He is so wonderful because he is so invested in my future and my career and he only wants the best for me, and for me to simply be happy. I can not even begin to describe the important role he has played in my life. He is truly a wonderful gift from God, and God certainly knew what he was doing when he made him my father.
On a side note, I heard ice cream bells outside the apartment, and took off running, only to make it to the front door with my wallet realizing I had no cash. I felt like such a kid, but I am heading to the bank and will be prepared should he come by tomorrow. There is just something about summer time and hearing the bells of the ice cream man! Now after all this ice cream talk I think I am due for some!
hope everyone's Tuesday has been a blessing! Mine sure has. :)
all my love,
So after a terribly dramatic day yesterday, I woke up feeling a little better. As soon as I brought myself out of bed I quickly reached for that devotional trust and I began to read the introduction. In a nut shell it began to explain why women fear and it all boiled down to the fact that we don't believe He is good, and we don't open up completely to Him. After reading this and really feeling like I understood some of the reasons I was having a difficult time with trusting Him, I began to pray, and I prayed for everything, for change, for comfort, peace, knowledge, and most of all trust, trusting that He will provide for me just as long as I put my earthy concerns aside.

Then after some more job searching, I received a call form the Hotel that I had applied to, and I have an interview tomorrow! On another positive note, I received information about an internship in DC, that I would love to have, it seems like such an amazing opportunity and will hopefully give me some real life experience as the job market begins to pick up again. The internship is pretty competitive and I only have a week to get references together and answer questions, and submit a writing sample. Even though if I got an opportunity such as this it would take me away from my family, and Chris, I feel like it is a once in a lifetime opportunity and that I should take advantage of it and at least apply. If the answer is no, then I know that, that was not what God had planned for , but if it is a yes then I know that he will make something amazing happen with it. So for the next few days I will be like a busy college student again, writing, editing and polishing this application so that it is perfect to send in. Wish me luck and say a prayer for God's will.
I also just have to say what a wonderful father I have, my dad is great. I don't know how many times I have called him over these past few weeks, either asking for advice, crying, or simply venting. He is so wonderful because he is so invested in my future and my career and he only wants the best for me, and for me to simply be happy. I can not even begin to describe the important role he has played in my life. He is truly a wonderful gift from God, and God certainly knew what he was doing when he made him my father.
hope everyone's Tuesday has been a blessing! Mine sure has. :)
all my love,
Monday, June 22, 2009
relentless warrior
So, I have realized that it might be far more likely that I win the lottery than actually finding a job. The economy has unfortunately begun to greatly effect me. After starting a job last week, realizing that it was the complete opposite of what I wanted to be doing, a quickly ended my employment. Then Friday was spent with much much job search. Then I had to return home to my parents house, which has dial-up :( so no job searching could take place. I then returned back to Evansville on Sunday in high hopes Monday would be productive. I have searched through the classifieds,, career builder, craiglist, yahoo.... etc. and NOTHING is available. I have even gone as far as calling every advertising agency in Evansville to see if they were hiring. So today, I came up empty handed. I am now just searching for some receptionist positions just to pass the time until something becomes available. However those jobs are few and far between. After a minor meltdown today, balling tears and all. I began to feel a little ridiculous. I guess it just frustrates me that since we were children, parents, teachers, and leaders have all harped about how important a college educations is and that you will have a greater earning potential, become more marketable, and have an easier time finding jobs. Well today it might as well never mattered that I went to college. I am now just trying to find something to pay the bills, clerical, retail, it doesn't matter. Even a nice internship would be great, but as I discovered most internships are geared toward undergraduates, well, I am now a graduate.
After some tears I decided to fill out and application and turn in a resume and a hotel for a front desk clerck. After that I drove past a cute little Christian book store and decided to pop in. I began to take a look around and made a bee line to the devotional section like it was some sort of self-help aisle. In a way it was a self help area, I began to look for a devotional that would help during this time of transition and confusion. A small tan paperback book caught my attention, the title of the devotional was entiled, trust, how fitting I thought. So I quickly opened up the book and began to browse down the index. A there it was, and entire index devoted to trust, and fear, why women fear, and how to deal with fear. I quickly took the book in my possesion. I just new God had led me to this book. I think that is the biggest thing I am afraid of, FEAR. I have so many fears, failure, unhappiness, discontentment.... and the list goes on, however the last thing I thought to think about was that if I put my complete and absolute trust in God, he will not allow me to be discontent, unhappy, or a failure. Here I am 7 weeks out of school with no job, things have to being to turn around at some point, and I know that God will not forsake me, I just need to trust in HIM and he will direct my paths. I cannot wait to begin reading this devotional, it is rather short, but I feel that it is coming at a time of need. I need to learn how to give myself completely over to HIM, and if I do everything else will just fall in place because I am not focused on earthly things, but on my heavenly father.
well I am signing off with a grateful attitude because I have roof over my head, food in my belly, and the promise of an eternal life. Why do I have to worry about? Nothing..... I leave that all up to HIM.
all my love,
After some tears I decided to fill out and application and turn in a resume and a hotel for a front desk clerck. After that I drove past a cute little Christian book store and decided to pop in. I began to take a look around and made a bee line to the devotional section like it was some sort of self-help aisle. In a way it was a self help area, I began to look for a devotional that would help during this time of transition and confusion. A small tan paperback book caught my attention, the title of the devotional was entiled, trust, how fitting I thought. So I quickly opened up the book and began to browse down the index. A there it was, and entire index devoted to trust, and fear, why women fear, and how to deal with fear. I quickly took the book in my possesion. I just new God had led me to this book. I think that is the biggest thing I am afraid of, FEAR. I have so many fears, failure, unhappiness, discontentment.... and the list goes on, however the last thing I thought to think about was that if I put my complete and absolute trust in God, he will not allow me to be discontent, unhappy, or a failure. Here I am 7 weeks out of school with no job, things have to being to turn around at some point, and I know that God will not forsake me, I just need to trust in HIM and he will direct my paths. I cannot wait to begin reading this devotional, it is rather short, but I feel that it is coming at a time of need. I need to learn how to give myself completely over to HIM, and if I do everything else will just fall in place because I am not focused on earthly things, but on my heavenly father.
well I am signing off with a grateful attitude because I have roof over my head, food in my belly, and the promise of an eternal life. Why do I have to worry about? Nothing..... I leave that all up to HIM.
all my love,
Sunday, June 21, 2009
forever and a few days later!
Well, let's just say that a few months have passed since I have last posted..... Well of the most important things, I GRADUATED! I can't believe it, it finally came, and is now over. Well even with some relentless prayers the job situation has not gone very well. Mainly I am making the move to Evansville, pending my employment. So far after graduation I had a job in Evansville, but I quite, almost immediately, all I can say is that this job was most certainly NOT made for me. I was in tears after the fourth day, and I knew that if I didn't like the job then, I would not like it a few weeks. So now I am searching for a job again. However I don't have a permanent residence in Evansville, my apartment is holding out for me until the end of the month. I really want to move here, I just hope I can find a position soon! Since the economy is so bad, there really isn't anything available in my field right now. My goals were to either work for a non-profit organization or to work at an advertising agency. However, none of those are available. So now I am looking for anything that will pay the bills until the economy gets better and I can find and internship or full time employment. I am continuing to pray and hope for the best, knowing that God is going to lead me in the right direction. It is so funny, I can see myself doing almost anything, as long as I am helping someone else in someway. I just really want to find a career where I am helping others. I am not worried about money too much just as long as I can make ends meet, I am learning now that money doesn't make you happy, it is the loved ones in your life who really make you happy.
I have to say I am so thankful for my family these past few months, they have been unbelievable, and oh so supportive. Not only have they been supportive financially, but emotionally as well. I couldn't have asked for a more caring family, now all I want to do is make them proud by finding a job that I love. My father has been wonderful, he has given me such great advice, and I can't tell you how much it means to me to have a father who is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure I am in a career where I am happy. I can't wait to make him proud. I have enjoyed getting to spend so much time with my mom, she is a wonderful Christian woman who lives her life everyday for others. She has been one the most sacrificial people in my life. She has always made sure that I am taken care of along with my father. We got to do a lot of fun things so far this summer, go shopping, museums, lunch, and just cruising around in her new convertible. It has been a blessed summer so far with my wonderful family and friends.
So tomorrow now begins another job search, but I am hopeful that this time I will find something that I will love. I am just trusting in God that he leads me to where he wants me to be, even if it isn't in Evansville (though I really hope it is). Giving everything over to HIM has been one tough daily struggle, but I am continuing to trust and hope that he leads me to do his will.
these pictures are some fun times at the end of my senior year. (and I already miss college)
all my love,
I have to say I am so thankful for my family these past few months, they have been unbelievable, and oh so supportive. Not only have they been supportive financially, but emotionally as well. I couldn't have asked for a more caring family, now all I want to do is make them proud by finding a job that I love. My father has been wonderful, he has given me such great advice, and I can't tell you how much it means to me to have a father who is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure I am in a career where I am happy. I can't wait to make him proud. I have enjoyed getting to spend so much time with my mom, she is a wonderful Christian woman who lives her life everyday for others. She has been one the most sacrificial people in my life. She has always made sure that I am taken care of along with my father. We got to do a lot of fun things so far this summer, go shopping, museums, lunch, and just cruising around in her new convertible. It has been a blessed summer so far with my wonderful family and friends.
So tomorrow now begins another job search, but I am hopeful that this time I will find something that I will love. I am just trusting in God that he leads me to where he wants me to be, even if it isn't in Evansville (though I really hope it is). Giving everything over to HIM has been one tough daily struggle, but I am continuing to trust and hope that he leads me to do his will.
these pictures are some fun times at the end of my senior year. (and I already miss college)
all my love,

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