Well about hmm a few days before Christmas my car started making some really funky noises. I wasn't sure what the deal was so I took it in to get looked at. Turns out my poor little cavalier had some major issues. I had broken every hanger underneath my car, and my catalytic converter needed to be replaced as well as having two bad wheel barrings. I was given the estimate of $1700 to fix my poor little chevy. I began to turn on the water works in the middle of Ken Towerys. haha. Needless to say we fixed the necessary things and are now in the market for a new car. The funny part is; is that Chris' car is way worse so we are trading in his car for a new one. We haven't quite decided who gets the new car, but I have a feeling that I will still be driving my cavalier for the next year and he will be driving the new car. We are currently looking in the Chevy HHR for our new family vehicle, and with the body style a little reminiscent of a station wagon (which I have already owned 2) it is perfect for our family.
These past few weeks and been quite crazy; with pipes busting, cars breaking and the holidays I don't know that I was able to find some time for myself. Except for Saturday, new years day, I didn't shower laid around in my pj's and watch Friday Night Lights all day long (a netflix guilty pleasure of mine and my hubby's) I have to say it was one great new years day relaxing with my girls. (Peanut and dolly). Also, today I finally got rid of my 'dear santa' nail polish color and went for a nice purple color called 'meet beet'. Chris and I set out our budget for 2011, hopefully it will turn out to be the year of savings, as long as things in our housing quit breaking!
This week I will be traveling to Nashville for work. The center of all that is country music, I am excited to go out and enjoy a little bit of the south. Which means I need to get started on that nasty pile of laundry sitting in the corner of our bedroom. Otherwise, I will have nothing to wear!
We will commence our car searching on Saturday wish us luck, this can be frustrating, but in a good way.
love and peace,
Carrie S.
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